
Monday, 5 October 2015

Insert Into MySQL PHP MVC

This tutorial helps to developer when developer want to insert data into database (MySQL) with PHP MVC. MVC contains on an Model, View and Controller. In a Model programmer write the code related to Database or business logic. In View create the layout or forms  and using the Controller Model return the data on a View.
To insert into mysql php mvc we follow the few simple steps.

Step 1:

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Error message when you try to save a table in SQL Express Server

"Saving changes is not permitted" in SQL Express Server

This problems appear when the Prevent saving changes that require the table re-creation option is checked or enabled. And usually you make the any one changes from following option to table.

  • Want to change Allow NULL property of a column
  • Want to Reorder the columns
  • Want to modify the column data type
  • Want to add new column in the table
When you do any one from the above option then you see the following screen or error:

Prevent saving changes that require the table re-creation
Prevent saving changes that require the table re-creation


very Simple and easy solution about this problem.
  1.  Open a project in Visual Studio.
  2. Click on Tools menu from top and go to Options...
  3. Option window will appear. On this window select the Database Tools -> Table and database designers -> Table and Diagram options from the left panel.
  4. uncheck the Prevent saving changes that require the table re-creation.
  5. At the end click on Ok button.

Solution Screens:

Monday, 20 April 2015

Auto Complete Textbox in PHP

In this tutorial you will learn how a auto complete textbox using php. It so simple and easy.
here i will use the java script function for this task.

Auto Complete textbox in php
Auto Complete textbox in php

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

PHP Multiple Checkbox Array

This example shows how the programmer can use multiple checkbox array and display the values of selected checkboxes.

Multiple Checkbox Array
Multiple Checkbox Array

PHP Code:

Sunday, 22 February 2015

php checkbox

This example or tutorial is about the checkbox in PHP. It is a web form having three checkboxes and two buttons “Select All”, “Deselect All”. “Select All” button purpose is to checked all three checkboxes and “Deselect All” button used for unchecked all three checkboxes.

Select and Deselect All Checkboxes
Select and Deselect All Checkboxes

 PHP Code